It’s time to double down on diversity and inclusion

lights-and-candlesTwo days after the election, New Tech Northwest had a diversity-in-tech event in Bellevue. To be honest, I wasn’t in the mood. Networking’s an effort for me even in the best of times, and this is most definitely not the best of times. But then again it seemed better than spending more time being depressed about the results, so I decided to go.

I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.  Almost all the speakers talked about the election, sharing their shock and sadness, saying things like “I didn’t know if I would be up to coming tonight”.  It came up in a lot of the casual discussions with other attendees as well.  Several people told me it was the first time they had been out of their house since Tuesday.

By the end of the event, most of us were in a noticeably better frame of mind.   Some of it was just the experience of being in a diverse crowd of interesting people, talking about something we’re all passionate about  Most of all, though, it was the very first speaker who changed the mood – for me, and I think for a lot of others as well.

How to react?

Cynthia Tee, Executive Director of Ada Developers Academy started her talk off by saying “Yes, I’m going to go there,” and shared how the morning after the election she spoke with a diverse group of women, non-binary, and gender fluid students. What message to send them?


“It’s time to double down on diversity and inclusion.”

Cynthia Tee


Yeah, really!

Cynthia’s Preparing for the Years Ahead on the Ada Developer Academy tumblr goes into a lot more detail about what she means. Here’s an excerpt:

What happened last night and today makes us more defiant, and determined to double down on the change we’re after. We each look inward and ask ourselves what we can do individually – and as a team – to combat oppression, speak up against it, and support other organizations who champion equity…. There is no place for neutrality, complacency, or silence. As a community, we want to move through this historical moment with solidarity, agency, activism, and pride.


A few days later, here’s what EricaJoy said in her post After:

It is time for leaders in the the tech industry to double down on their Diversity and Inclusion efforts.


Hey wait a second, I’m noticing a pattern here!

Reasons to double down


“Progress is not inevitable, it requires our intervention.”

Malkia Cyril, at Fusion Magazine’s Real Future Fair

In the aftermath of the Trumpocalypse, there are a lot of reasons to double down on diversity and inclusion.   The most important: a lot of blacks, Latinxs, women, Muslims, LGBTQs, immigrants, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups are being targeted and need our support right now.  Several of the links in the reading list have suggestions about how you can help.

And let’s face it, the lack of diversity in the leadership and engineering teams of companies like Facebook and Twitter helped contribute to where we are today.  The environment they’ve created empowers harassers and trolls; magnifies hate speech and false news; pushes people into filter bubbles and echo chambers; optimizes for psychological manipulation and radicalization; and tracks people’s preferences, locations, associations, and personal data without protections against authoritarian governments.

Now the same kinds of non-diverse teams at non-diverse companies are building VR worlds with no defense against sexual assault and algorithms that embed historical biases in the code at the expense of marginalized groups.   Is this really what we want?

The world’s ready for a new approach to software, one that embraces differences and sees diversity as a strength.

Diverse teams are more creative and better at problem solving.  Yes, it can be challenging to get people from different backgrounds to communicate effectively and work together well;  but as I was pointing out just last week, we know a lot about how to create inclusive environments.   The diversity-in-technology community can be a key part of a multiracial, multi-cultural, international, transpartisan alliance of people who want to work together to change things – in tech, and more broadly.

And finally, while the short-term priority is to limit the damage from this election, here in the US and around the world, we’re not just trying to get back to the situation we had before.  Our goal is to build the kind of world we want to live in.  For me – and hopefully for you as well – diversity and inclusion are at the center of the future we’re creating.

Postscript: additional reading, ripped from today’s headlines

Here’s a handful of links from the last week or so that I’ve found especially valuable.  Read and share!



Observations from TechInclusion 16

What action will you take to build an incusive tech ecosystem?

Last month’s Tech Inclusion conference in San Francisco was everything I look for in a conference experience: excellent content, outstanding networking, and a great mix of attendees – entrepreneurs, diversity and inclusion  experts, policy people, executives, designers, engineers, marketers, investors, and hard-to-categorize people.  The vibe was wonderful as well, positive with a sense of excitement, with the aid of remarkably good food and coffee.

In short, I really enjoyed it, learned a lot, met some interesting people, and came away feeling like it was a very good use of my time.

There are already several other good posts on the conference (see the list at the end), so I’m not going provide a detailed play-by-play.  Instead, after reflecting on the conference for several days, I’m going to highlight a few themes that struck me as particularly important.   Read on for more about

  • A roadmap for building a diverse and inclusive companies
  • Diversity as a strategy
  • Embedding diversity in the software
  • Final thoughts

Continue reading Observations from TechInclusion 16

How does it look through their eyes?

In mid-October 2016, not long after a video surfaced with Donald Trump boasting about committing sexual assault, Peter Thiel made a $1.25 million contribution to his campaign.

Discussion ensued, largely focusing on Thiel’s involvement with Silicon Valley accelerator and investment firm Y Combinator, where he’s an unpaid part-time partner and his friend Sam Altman is CEO; and with Facebook, where he was an early investor and remains a board member.

Should Y Combinator and Facebook cut ties with Thiel?

If they don’t, what (if anything) is an appropriate response?

Here are a handful of news articles with the details.

What lens are you looking through?

Many people in the tech word have strong opinions on the subject. A lot depends on the lens you look through – the essence of standpoint theory. For example, women in tech often see things differently than guys. And the differences are even greater between black, Latinx, Asian, multiracial women (and other women of color) and white guys.

So here are some perspectives from various women in tech – tweets, articles, and other public posts. It’s in chronological order, from October 15 through October 24. Of course, it isn’t an exhaustive list. It’s based on what I saw from the people I follow on Twitter and Medium, my friends on Facebook and other social networks, discussions on Hacker News, links from TechMeme, and what I found with Google and Twitter searches.

How does it look through their eyes?

Continue reading How does it look through their eyes?

If you enjoyed Tech Inclusion, you might also like …

So many people I talked to over the last few days at the outstanding Tech Inclusion conference came away wanting more, more, more.  After going to a diversity-friendly conference like this, it’s reallllly hard to go back to the typical overwhelmingly-male, overwhelmingly-white tech conference where the myth of meritocracy rules and social issues are off the table.  The good news is that there we’re starting to see more and more conferences with a similar attitude and feel.

So here’s a short list of other conferences that you might also enjoy.  None of these are exactly the same as Tech Inclusion, but they’ve all got the same inclusive, positive energy and sense of excitement.  Check ’em out – and if you’ve got other recommendations, please leave them in the comments or tweet them to me at @jdp23! Continue reading If you enjoyed Tech Inclusion, you might also like …


Escape (by Milan Heger) with lights overlaid

Welcome to A Change Is Coming!

One way to look at the change that’s coming is to start with the software that shapes our world.  A decade from now, the way we interact with software – and the way we create it – will be radically different from today.   What will it be like, and how will that affect our lives?

Of course, software doesn’t exist in a vacuum.  Another way of looking at the change that’s coming is through the lens of diversity.  Who creates and uses the software?  What biases does it embed?  Culture is another perspective; and all of these intersect, along with a lot of other dimensions, in social computing, the interactions between technology, people and organizations – how we work and have fun together, how we share and discuss news, how politics works.

A Change Is Coming is an attempt to understand and describe these changes, chronicle the as their happening, connect with other people who are involved in them — and contribute to them.   As well as my own thoughts, I plan highlighting interesting research, industry trends, and new developments.   And I’m also looking forward to bringing in other perspectives from people on the cutting edge of the changes, with interviews, discussions, reviews, and guest posts.

There’s a lot more to life than software and technology.  Art, music, literature, and poetry matter too … and there’s plenty of room for other topics that aren’t usually found on “tech blogs.”  Indeed, a big part of the change that’s coming is breaking out of the mindset of thinking about technology separately from all these other things that make life so wonderful.

I’ll be launching the site later in 2016, so right now it’s very much a work in progress.   Some of what I’m going to share here will be in fairly raw form; expect revisions and the occasional “oops”.  The perfectionist in me is incredibly nervous at the idea of talking about things before I can describe them fully and precisely.  But I also know that this is the best way to refine my thinking, and share the insights that I have.

So thanks for joining me — and stay tuned for more!

A change is coming

Why be shrunk by fear when you can choose hope?
Why be manipulated by hate when you can choose desire?
Why settle for singularity when you can have multiplicity?

Control is an illusion and influence is possible.
Look for meta-level solutions.
Avoid false dualities.
Change is performative.

Worship the anomaly.

Artwork: Escape, by Milan Heger
photographed by Jon Pincus